First term Hapkimudo and Taekwondo Grading Examinations

First term Hapkimudo and Taekwondo Grading Examinations
April concluded with a busy weekend, having conducted two grading examinations for Hapkimudo and Taekwondo. First to go was the Hapkimudo examinations that were held on Friday 26th April where Ten candidates took their test, and all successfully passed as follows:
1st Keup
  • Glenn Galea
4th Keup
Kateryna Navrotska
5th Keup
  • Ruby Mifsud
6th Keup
  • Julia Schembri
  • Terry Zammit
8th Keup
  • Michael Attard
9th Keup
  • Maria Eliza Rodrigues
  • Marcus Lauri
10th Keup
  • Alxeah Maurice Quiban
  • Nicholas Zammit
The grading was conducted by head instructor Emvin Mifsud (2nd Dan) and Martin Buhagiar (1st Dan), with Reuben Mifsud (1st Dan) and Rachel Mifsud (1st Keup) assisting.
The next day, it was Taekwondo turn with 24 candidates taking their test, and all passed successfully as follows:
1st Keup (Black Stripe)
  • Kendra Magro
2nd Keup (Red Belt)
  • Samuel Vella
4th Keup (Blue Belt)
  • Aisha Shembesh Gatt
  • Daniel Debattista
  • Laura Spiteri
5th Keup (Blue Stripe)
  • Ella Scerri
  • Nicole Bunce
  • Matthias Caruana
6th Keup (Green Belt)
  • Adalheidur Sigurjonsdottir
  • Paula Sosa Russo
  • Salvatore Riolo
8th Keup (Yellow Belt)
  • Ksenia Grela
9th Keup (Yellow Stripe)
  • Alaya Shembesh Gatt
  • Aleksei Lukin
  • Cataleya Gatt
  • Diego Riolo
  • Gioele Valzecchi Galdini D’Ascenzo
  • Leah Pace
  • Logan Grixti
  • Matthew Vella
  • Nicole Barbara
  • Platon Patlan
  • Shaizelle Sultana
  • Xavier Spiteri
The grading was conducted by head instructor Stephen Formosa (6th Dan) and Jerome Vassallo (4th Dan).
The next grading examinations are to take place in August.
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