Three Dragon Academy students have successfully passed their respective Dan Gradings held on the 8th November. Julieanne Camilleri and Luke Camilleri have started a new chapter within their Taekwondo journey, in the form of the 1st Poom and 1st Dan respectively. Contrary to popular belief, at least outside martial art circles, achieving your “Black Belt” does not mean that you are now finished learning Taekwondo and have mastered everything in the book. Martial arts are a never ending journey, which is a beautiful thing, as there is always something to look forward to.
Everyday you can strive to be better than you were yesterday – in both knowledge and physical ability. A good solid black belt can be bought locally at your nearest martial arts shop, but no one can buy the experience and effort that you put in your own self.
On this note, we would also like to congratulate Jerome Vassallo on achieving his 3rd Dan and for being the best performer during the November Dan Gradings. Jerome, who is also national champion in his category, is proof that with dedication, commitment and hard work, comes great results and personal satisfaction and growth.
That being said, we congratulate our latest 3rd Dan and the two newest additions to the DAM community of Dans/Pooms!
3rd Dan
Jerome Vassallo
1st Dan
Luke Camilleri
1st Poom
Julieanne Camilleri
We would also like to thank DAM instructor Emvin Mifsud and Reuben Mifsud for assisting our students during their grading, as well as the MTF Technical Board for performing the assessments and the MTF itself for organising the November Dan gradings.